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Matt Moore

I often find myself reflecting on the very first Sundays of Families Forever Ministries. Our family of seven was about to embark upon what my father referred to as an “Abrahamic” journey in the winter of 1996. Our family would load into a fifteen passenger Dodge utility van, pack our musical equipment and bible literature, and make our trek to our designated location. I was an eager, opportunistic sixteen year old that had a passion for the bible and basketball; all I wanted to do was play my part and serve in whatever capacity was available. So, I got my very wish: I was asked to help lead in a few songs of praise and worship. Other than participating in a few instrumental lessons, I had absolutely no formal training in how to lead praise and worship. I had no idea of how a potential audience would respond to what I had to share in song. Just like stepping up to the line to shoot a free throw, I simply had to be bold and step up to the microphone and project what the Lord had placed in my spirit for each Sunday. As I learned how to exercise my faith through obedience, I realized that God through His Holy Spirit would empower me to complete the task at hand for each week. Whatever I lacked in training or experience, the Holy Spirit would literally make up the difference through the power of prayer and unity that flowed within the walls of our ministry. Today, I’m thankful to know that walking in obedience helps to strengthen our trust in who God is. We at Families Forever Ministries are simply operating as an extension of the Body of Christ. Our focus for this season can be derived from the following scriptures:

​ Acts 26:18- to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in me.
 Acts 4: 34-35 Nor was there anyone among them who lacked; for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold, and laid them at the apostles’ feet; and they distributed to each as anyone had need.

The mission of the early church was simple: to provide a habitation of unified worship and provision for those in expectation. The church expanded influentially because the leadership didn’t pursue their own agenda, but rather focused on meeting the needs of the people as the Lord directed. As a member of the Body of Christ, we at Families Forever Ministries are direct descendants of the early church and are fundamentally commissioned to use our resources to bless all those around us. In anticipation of Christ’s return, we understand that there is absolutely no time to be consumed with acquiring materialistic things or chasing after the status quo of the world. We desire to fortify the foundation of families through exercising fervent prayer and worship. We desire to edify the Body of Christ by offering a voice of encouragement during times of despair, and extending a helping hand of grace whenever there is someone in need!

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