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Writer's pictureMatt Moore

The Battle of The Mind

I've had an opportunity this season to evaluate the effectiveness of my daily spiritual routine. I'm reminded of those classic Folgers commercials that depicts a family waking up on a cold morning to the aroma of a freshly brewed cup of coffee, while the words 'the best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup' chimes in the background. It can be easily inferred from this commercial that one can't wake up and start their day properly without being fueled by that daily dose of coffee. If the consumption of coffee is prioritized as a means to kickstart one's daily routine, we should take careful consideration of how we fuel our spiritual routine. As I began to take inventory of how I process my morning routine, the Holy Spirit presented this thought: does your current relationship with Jesus Christ serve as the best part of your waking up? Are you consistently meditating on the goodness of the Lord as you start your day, or is your mind flooded with anxiety in anticipation of what has to be accomplished?

It's early Monday morning and I'm waking up to start a new work week. I immediately reach for my iPhone and start scrolling through my social media status, my banking apps, followed by my personal emails and the local weather apps. I flip on the television and tune into the sports news station in the hope of remaining current with the latest scores and drawing some athletic inspiration. I'm contemplating on which gym location will be my destination for my workout routine. I'm completely consumed with the thought that I have failed to promptly respond to a client request from the previous week, so I'm frantically mapping out a strategic correspondence plan before I even start my work commute. Although my adrenaline has skyrocketed, I'm confident that my regiment has prepared me to conquer the day as I report to the job site. While everything appears to be functioning, there's one major component that I have failed to include in my routine: establishing a time of devotion through the Word of God.

Romans 13:14 states the following: But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts. We have an Enemy that launches a daily assault against the Body of Christ: the target area is aimed at the MIND! Satan knows that if our minds are saturated with anxiety and fear, we will become paralyzed with distractions and avoid placing our trust in God's plan for that moment. We are quickly approaching the cold season, so it is vital to protect ourselves with additional layers in anticipation of being exposed to winter storms. It is even more crucial to clothe our minds with the proper protection from the spiritual storms that are on the horizon. One might ask how is it possible to clothe our minds? We must renew our minds daily by declaring the absolute truth of God's Word before we face the day. We must be armed with the helmet of salvation [Ephesians 5:17] to protect us against the inception of every anxious, destructive thought and frequently recite the promises fulfilled by Jesus Christ. The saving blood of our precious Savior is intricately designed to blanket us from the blizzards of oppression that try to hinder our spiritual progression. Regardless of what season we may be facing, let us return to the joy of our salvation through Jesus Christ and embrace the identity that He has established for us.

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