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Writer's pictureMatt Moore

The Covering of the Lord

[Psalm 91:1-3 (10)- He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty 2) I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust." 3) Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. 10) No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling].

I've read and quoted portions of the 91st Psalm many times in my life. There are particular seasons that are more difficult than others, and the foundation of this passage becomes more amplified in these moments. I recently endured an extended respiratory virus that hammered me like a tsunami. I can't even disclaim the origins of this virus as a random 'seasonal' attack because we are currently in the summertime. I was hit with a simple sore throat that turned into a week of massive head congestion and fatigue. Within several days, most of my initial symptoms subsided. I anticipated that I would quickly return to my normal routine, when suddenly I was gripped with another sore throat and a low-grade fever. I was virtually bedridden for two days and confined to my room. I was definitely in no condition to work and was forced to miss several days to recover. I have a natural inclination to take a logical approach to every situation in my life, especially when it comes to getting sick. I will frequently try to play the role of a pathologist and determine the inception of the actual event that allowed me to contract a virus. As my body temperature continued to elevate, I wrestled with emotions of frustration coupled with denial as I couldn't comprehend how I could be so sick this late in a calendar year. The Lord began to quiet my spirit and I felt a wave of peace that began to overwhelm me. My fever began to break and a measure of clarity began to sweep over me as I turned to the 91st Psalm.

Several months ago, I made a vow to the Lord that I would minister the Word each week no matter what the circumstance may be. On Judgment Day, the Lord will inquire what I did with my time in order to extend the Gospel. I don't want to stand before His presence ashamed, while stammering with excuses as to why I failed the mission. The Enemy got wind of this announcement and has used subtle distractions to keep my mind racing around the clock. Within the past several months, I have found myself trying to operate at the speed of light with limited rest. While I may have good intentions, the Lord has commanded for us to find a space to rest. I have experienced many harmful consequences towards my health and well-being by attempting to conquer mountains without making rest a priority. This is why it is crucial for the Body of Christ to establish a sabbath day each week as a dedicated time of complete reverence to God, set apart from the frantic pulse of the world's system. As we learn how to draw closer to God, He will honor our obedience and infuse us with a supernatural wave of revelation through the unveiling of the Holy Spirit. 

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