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Writer's pictureMatt Moore


Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ:

In April of this year, I posted a video on Facebook in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. The theme of the video was entitled Test of the Emergency Broadcast System. We've all experienced a time when we were tuned into our favorite local television show, when suddenly the screen went blank and it was coupled with a dull buzzing sound. A scratchy, monotone voice makes the following announcement: THIS IS A TEST, THIS IS ONLY A TEST OF THE EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM. It's frustrating to have an interruption during a heated playoff game, or an intense moment of the Bachelorette: but how does one recover from an interruption of life in the form of a major virus?

Let's flashback to six months ago. Students were preparing for midterm exams, competing in state competitions, and preparing to reach their Spring Break destinations. Many people here in the Midwest were ready to escape the doldrums of the winter cold and embrace the breeze of productivity from the fresh spring air, when suddenly there were reports of a virus that was spreading rapidly in remote areas. Surely, there's enough technology and modern medicine to overcome the threat of any major virus right? Like a freight train that was derailed in the night, the Covid-19 pandemic came crashing into our daily lives. Major public venues such as schools, gymnasiums, theaters, and local restaurants literally closed their doors overnight. Consequently, people that were reporting to the halls of their prospective workplaces the previous week were suddenly reporting to the halls of the unemployment chambers the next week. After an increasing amount of positive Covid-19 tests, the world was suddenly instructed to practice the new norms of self-quarantine and social distancing. We've adopted catchphrases like hybrid education, essential and non-essential, remote-work site, and stay-safe into our daily vernacular. The doors of many churches and corporate places of worship closed abruptly, and to this day the dynamic of spiritual gatherings has been revised.

The spirit of fear and anxiety has gripped our nation and many have resorted to the tactics of their sin nature to cope with the pressure. Let the truth be known: the life that we were formerly accustomed to has been disrupted. We are engaged in a warfare for the security of our souls. There is absolutely no time to dig through the past and try to reassemble the framework of your former life. The most important thing that we need to determine is if our identity is secured in the power of Jesus Christ. Are you standing on the foundation of The Word of God, or do you draw your inspiration from the reports of the news media? Let us remain connected to the everlasting truth of Jesus Christ and allow the Holy Spirit to infuse us with an endurance to battle to the end! 

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