As we enter into the Fall season of 2020, our nation is still trying to navigate through the lingering effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. The spirit of anxiety has forced many to find a means to cope with the loneliness associated with quarantine measures. God has intricately created us to seek fellowship. Regardless of whether a person displays a more introverted than extroverted nature, we all long for words of affirmation. Unfortunately, our need for constant approval can lead us down a trail of temptation.
We are living within the climate of digital interface. While driving at night, it's not uncommon to witness the interior of another driver's car glowing from the light of a smartphone. It's safe to say that many people can't go one day without the use of some type of mobile device. There is an intensive marketing drive to promote the usage of online dating platforms. At the swipe of a thumbnail, a person can explore the potential of finding that special someone through a lineup of extensive dating apps. It's easy to become immersed in the wave of mobile correspondence, especially in lieu of social distancing and quarantine measures. It's time to pause and take spiritual inventory of how much time you spend scrolling through media devices versus time spent searching through God's Word.
During the course of day, a person can spend at least five hours scanning through profiles on social media sites, but struggle to commit to five minutes of scanning through God's Word for scriptural revelation. Notice a disparity in this equation? In our attempts to branch out and find community, we can unconscionably omit the presence of God from our daily pursuits. In the midst of our current global and social pandemic, we can find ourselves writhing from anxiety and seeking answers from destructive sources. In just a matter of time, we can become consumed with the oppressive voices of darkness and completely lose our ability to hear from God.
In the 10th chapter of John, Jesus describes the nature of the true shepherd. One major characteristic of a true shepherd is that they will always gain access through the front door and be readily available. The true shepherd will act and speak with conviction because they genuinely care about humanity. On the other hand, we have counterfeit shepherds that want to gain access to our lives, but do so in an underhanded way. The counterfeit shepherd wants to assume a posture of authority, but is unwilling to sacrifice their reputation because they have no genuine concern for the outcome of others. Jesus Christ is the ultimate example of the True Shepherd because He laid down His life for the remission of our sins. The words of Christ are always designed to build us up, never to manipulate us. We can have direct access to His presence because He always shares His true intentions without any strings attached. For those who claim to be a Christian, I submit this to you: When is the last time you dedicated your entire day to seeking the presence of God? If we struggle to spend time reading the Word of God, how can we learn about the ways of our Creator? May we lay aside the distractions of our media devices and find our ultimate affirmation in Jesus Christ.